He printed an editorial in a very scientific journal regarding the employment of fingerprints as a tool in identification. He conjointly devised or made-up, a system of classifying tingerprints. He wrote natural scientist regarding his findings, however Darwin was obtaining too recent to figure on the findings. So, he secure to pass the knowledge to his relation, Sir man of science. v
Henry Faulds's findings, Galton printed a significant book on classifying fingerprints supported arches, loops, and whorls. His work with Sir Edward R Henry on fingerprint classification was the idea of a organization that remains utilized by enforcement agencies in English-speaking countries. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBD currently uses a variation of the Galton-Henry system. though the employment of process in identification originated in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it's been developed within the u. s.. In 1924, 2 massive fingerprint collections were combined to make the inspiration of the Identification Division of the FBI.